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What is the difference between silver textile products and other products?

SOCK: Daily and medical benefits vary depending on the user.
The first difference observed in daily use is that silver socks give the feeling of not wearing socks and prevent foot odor.
In addition, with its thermodynamic feature, you will feel that silver socks keep your feet warm on cold winter days compared to other socks. Similarly, silver socks will keep your feet cool in summer.
In addition, silver metal will insulate the static electricity formed in your body and reduce the feeling of fatigue at the end of the day.
In medical use, it prevents fungus formation on the feet with its antibacterial feature. It is effective in preventing infection of existing and potential wounds on the feet of diabetic patients.
It reduces edema in the feet. This feature is also very useful for diabetic patients and for eliminating edema that occurs during travel.
People whose feet sweat a lot will experience dryness in their feet as soon as they start using the socks.

LAUNDRY AND OUTERWEAR: Bacteria and odor eliminating features come to the fore in products preferred for daily use. You can easily use our products to stay away from unwanted odors on hot summer days.
In addition, our products have a temperature adjustment feature provided by the silver effect. This feature reduces the wetness caused by sweating and ensures that you feel cool in the summer and warm in the winter thanks to its thermodynamic feature.

In medical terms, it is a treatment support product for those receiving fungal treatment and prevents fungal formation and prevents itching.

No, there is not. In order to provide these features, silver thread must be used in the product at the rates determined by the manufacturer Statex Germany. In addition, laboratory tests must be performed on each product to show that the features are present. All of our products are approved by Statex Germany and certified to use the Shieldex logo. What is more important is that the best reference is that users immediately feel the difference when they first use our products.

In order to reduce costs, there are products on the market that contain very little silver that is not enough for medical grades or that have been treated with silver ion finishes. Even if these products pass the antibacterial test, unfortunately the antibacterial properties disappear after a certain number of washes. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about the presence of other properties. In any case, the user will understand that the socks they buy are no different from normal socks after a few washes.

Silver does not harm health at all. On the contrary, it suffocates and kills up to 465 microorganisms such as microbes, bacteria, fungi, etc. It is one of the most effective infection preventers known in medicine. It has been used for wound treatment since ancient times. In modern medicine, drugs containing silver ions are used in open wound and burn treatments. Silver nitrate solution is dropped into the eyes of newborn babies for disinfection. Silver is a metal that we use a lot in our daily lives with the use of forks, spoons, knives, etc. in our homes, and it is also widely preferred as jewelry. Although it is known that some people are allergic to silver jewelry, this allergy is not against the silver metal but against other metals such as chromium and nickel used in the alloy of the jewelry. These metals are generally added to silver jewelry to give it strength and shine.

Silver is not a heavy metal because it has no harmful or toxic effects on human health.

The medical definition of heavy metals includes all toxic metals, regardless of their atomic weight: "Heavy metal poisoning" occurs when excessive amounts of semimetals such as iron, manganese, aluminum, beryllium or arsenic are taken. This definition excludes bismuth, the heaviest of the stable elements, because its toxicity is low.

Living organisms require varying amounts of “heavy metals.” Humans require iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc. Excessive levels can harm the organism. Other heavy metals, such as mercury, plutonium, and lead, have no known vital or beneficial effects on organisms and their accumulation in the body over time can lead to very serious diseases. Some elements that are normally toxic are beneficial to some organisms in some cases. These include vanadium, tungsten, and even cadmium. 

No allergy cases have been reported to Statex Germany, the manufacturer of Shieldex yarn, for textile products containing silver.

Although it is known that some people are allergic to silver jewelry, this allergy is not to the silver metal itself but to other metals used in the alloy of the jewelry, such as chrome and nickel. These metals are generally added to silver jewelry to give it strength and shine.

No, it is not. Nanotechnology means giving technical features to the product chemically with various ion applications. Especially in textile applications, these technical features are not effective enough because they are lost with washing. In addition, since the ions used reach the seas and lakes through wastewater after washing, they have a polluting effect on the seas and the environment.

Shieldex branded silver thread is used in Eco Silver products. The presence of the metal itself, not its ions, is immediately felt by the user during use and can also be detected by a metal detector.

You can easily pass. Metal detectors at airports are set to detect metals of a certain weight and volume. In order to detect the silver metal on you, a special detector with a very sensitive setting that measures the electric current on the product is required.

The mechanism by which silver provides antibacterial properties works as follows; silver metal breaks the cell membranes of bacteria and microbes with the electric charge present on the silver ions it emits, this can be thought of as a kind of electric shock. Silver ions take these microorganisms under their influence, prevent the respiration of DNA and RNA structures and allow their helix to open. Thus, it suffocates and destroys bacteria and microbes.

Since electrical conductivity is more effective in humid environments, we recommend applying moisturizer to clean feet before putting on our socks, especially in winter.

The smell is caused by the acid coming out of our body being used as a nutrient by bacteria and being converted into ammonia through the resulting waste.

The trigger for this formation is the proliferation of bacteria. Silver products have antibacterial properties, so they prevent the proliferation of bacteria and therefore have the ability to eliminate unwanted odors.

Especially when used as a sock, the silver layer prevents the formation of fungi. In case of previously formed fungi, it is recommended to use it as a treatment support product while medical treatment is ongoing. In this way, a response to the treatment can be obtained in a shorter time.

The mechanism by which silver prevents fungal growth works as follows; bacteria that feed on the acidic sweat secreted from our body convert the acid into ammonia and cause bad odor, while their residues create the denaturalized protein environment in which fungi grow. Silver, which destroys bacteria and prevents them from multiplying with its antibacterial feature, both prevents the formation of bad odors and prevents the denaturalized protein environment. It destroys the ground on which fungi feed. Thus, new fungi do not form and the treatment is completed in a shorter time.

In products where the filament type of silver thread is used, an electrical network, and therefore a magnetic field, is formed along the part where the silver braid wraps the foot. The blood flow rate in the area in contact with the silver is regulated and it is observed that edema decreases.

Silver has thermodynamic properties. A thermodynamic zone is formed between the silver layer and the part that is in contact with the body. In cold winter weather, silver reflects the heat energy emitted from our body back to the body, preventing heat loss, thus making us feel warm in winter. Similarly, in summer, it keeps our body cool by reflecting the heat coming from outside.

In addition to the effect of the thermodynamic feature mentioned in the previous question, which makes one feel less heat, silver also has a heat-regulating feature. Silver ions, which are constantly emitted from the silver metal, carry the excess heat in some parts of the body to the parts where the heat is less, thus providing adjustment and reducing sweating.

No, it doesn't. Since silver metal, not silver ion, is used in our products, all these effects are valid for the life of the product.

We recommend that you do not use bleach or detergents containing bleach or softeners when washing your product.

When it comes into contact with chlorine, silver enters a chemical reaction and separates from the surface it is on, forming a precipitate. For this reason, your product may lose its properties.

However, detergents and softeners used in our homes do not usually contain chlorine. However, we recommend that you do not use bleach or detergents containing bleach when washing your product. When washing with a washing machine, prefer detergents used for wool or hand wash with white soap.

Chlorine present in tap water is not capable of reacting with silver.

Silver socks eliminate edema in the feet. This feature is important during long journeys such as planes, buses, etc.

In addition, silver socks, with their antistatic properties, reduce the feeling of fatigue in our body by dispersing the stagnant electric charge caused by weather changes through silver ions.

It is effective against edema in the feet when used with socks.

Our special underwear produced for pregnant women aims to provide the features listed below;

– Protecting your baby from electromagnetic waves caused by mobile phones and all electronic and electrical household appliances during pregnancy,
– To test this protection, the IEEE std 299 (2006) Standard method for measuring the effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding test was applied to our product by the Italian TECHNO LAB and satisfactory results were obtained. 
– The silver mesh in the crotch area of ​​maternity underwear provides antibacterial properties. This effect is especially important in the first 3 months of pregnancy in order to prevent miscarriages that may be caused by bacterial and fungal formations in risky pregnancies.

Diabetic neuropathy is the term used to describe the deterioration of nerve tissue caused by diabetes and uncontrolled diabetes that can affect the nervous system over the years.

Neuropathy can cause changes in the nerves of the hands and feet. The most important of these is the nerves in the feet. The foot's touch, pain, movement, and heat regulation functions may be impaired. A decrease in the ability to feel pain, coldness or burning, numbness, tingling, stinging, and foot pain may occur. Since the decrease in the sense of pain and touch reduces the pain in foot injuries, infection occurs in the wounds and treatment becomes difficult.

In diabetes, viruses, especially fungi and bacteria, can easily cause disease. Non-healing wounds, acne, skin infections and abscesses are signs of bacteria. Thickening and yellowing of fingernails and toenails, their absence, whitening and cracking of the areas between the toes are caused by fungal infections.

When diabetic patients wear socks with silver thread;

They are protected from fungal growth, bacteria and infections.
The chilliness caused by the loss of sensation in the feet decreases.
Thanks to the magnetic field creation feature of silver, edema in the feet and the pain caused by this edema are reduced.
Wearing silver socks with moisturizing support eliminates dryness in the feet.

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